
learning by TV show🚀Start your Japan life🍣るる👠work in Tokyo

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7758Clases de japonés completadas


inglésB1 Pre-Intermedio
"Teacher, I live in Japan but my Japanese is still not good..." "Teacher, I want to watch Japanese TV series anime without subtitles, is there a way?" "Teacher, I can't pass the daily exam, I really want to pass 😭" "Teacher, my grammar is not good, and Japanese people don’t understand my Japanese😣" No problem, classmates! Let me help you see where our problem is 😊 [Transformed File A] Self-study method: read articles a lot, follow the speed a lot, talk a lot Self-study results: Many Japanese people still don’t understand, very frustrated ↓↓After problem analysis↓↓ Graduating from this class: I have made great progress in speaking, admitted Japanese companies, and worked in Japan like me! Everyone quickly clap his hands! [Transformed File B] Self-study method: buy reference writing questions Self-study results: Daily inspection N1 has been unable to pass ↓↓After problem analysis↓↓ Graduating from this class: Through N1, which I have never experienced, I have one more advantage in finding a job in Japan! Everyone quickly clap his hands! Students who want to improve, don’t be confused anymore Come and enjoy tailor-made courses and move towards your goals together💪 🔷🔷Four strengths🔷🔷 💯Super solid foundation skills The basic skills are well practiced so that advanced Japanese (N1&N2) will not feel painful to read! Even if you are lucky enough to be admitted to the daily examination, you will only live to learn when you have a good foundation! 💬Do you feel that your foundation is not solid? It’s not too late to learn, give 100 hearts to teacher るる! 💯 Cultivate fluent conversation Wouldn’t it be a pure chat with video? ww Let you say goodbye to "Chinese Japanese" step by step, and tell you what Japanese can say. 💬After finishing the above, you are guaranteed to speak with confidence! The children who are still hesitating come knock me Ou! ! 💯Watch TV without subtitles Those who like to watch TV, let's be TV children together We will listen to songs, watch animations, watch variety shows, and watch Japanese dramas, and we can say "I'm learning Japanese (啾咪" 💬There are plans for all levels, let’s learn Japanese together! ! 💯Japanese business experience sharing Worried about bad honorifics and unable to work well in Japan? In fact, your rudeness may not only include honorifics (!?) Don’t get the wrong direction! 💬If you want to be favored by your boss, you must be polite, and the road to promotion is not far away! 🔷🔷My interests & recent situation🔷🔷 Singing: I can sing more than 100 Japanese songs, from lyrical to rock to visual to...death music (low voice). Idol: Has fallen into the pit of Genesis (girl screaming) welcomes J's fans. Animation: Boys and girls adventure funny harem (?) Basically watch everything. Voice actor: Slightly involved. Recently, I like people from the Ishikawa circle and Uchiyama Anghui. 🔷🔷Personal experience🔷🔷 📌Before university: will enter the Japanese department with 50 sounds 📌Sophomore year: Directly take N1 and pass 📌Senior year: 1 year of exchange study in Japan 📌After graduation: seamlessly enter Nissho as a full-time post 📌The first year: Practice business emails hard 📌The second year: Japanese customer service telephone specialist 📌The third year: Newcomer training and marketing lecturer 📌The fourth year: the newsletter was published and the whole company won 📌Year 5: Acting as a team leader 📌Year 6: Write a column super high click to read 📌Year 7: Proposal for a work-at-home system 👉8th year: それがいまだよ~ After I came to work in a Japanese company, my colleagues and clients were all Japanese. Think of me completely as a Japanese, and all work content is also in Japanese. There is so much difference in the workplace culture, all of which are the way of doing things that I have worked out hard (tears) Tips: To work in a Japanese workplace, listening + stress relief is very important:) Life is boundless, and I am still learning every day to grow myself. 🔷🔷My teaching philosophy🔷🔷 Teaching and learning is not a one-way street. I believe that the bond between people will produce the power of happiness. Let us teach and grow together, become better people, and do a little effort for those who love you ❤️ After reading my story, if you are kind and willing to do good every day, Send me a message saying "Come on", I will be very moved 😆 Please take care of the little animals=るる(?)🐶🐱🐰🐸🐵🐭🐯🦄🐮🦝
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Clase en Grupo

Descuentos de hasta 40% 🔥 ¡Plazas limitadas!
💖Thank you all for your love, the teacher is currently unable to open group classes in full class💖 📌Daily inspection class→full class 📌Animation class→Full class 📌Elementary class→Full class ☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★ 🙏I want to speak Japanese but it’s so hard to memorize words 🙏I must learn Japanese well in 2021! Are you still wishing to heaven? Let me take RURU to take you the first step~ Animation group classes get rid of exams, no longer use textbooks, and give you the most life-like Japanese The teacher carefully selects the teaching materials, as long as you have the heart to enjoy Japanese 🎈The benefits of group classes are different from individuals🎈 ・One-to-one formal class is half the price or more, so that learning is zero burden. ・Learning with classmates is not lonely, giving you the joy of small class ・Since your own lonely struggle always ends without a disease before, let's change it! ・There are also class videos on leave, so you can keep up with the progress of your classmates, don’t worry! ・Take classes regularly and do not be lazy, let us get rid of inertia together in 2021! 🎈Entry level🎈 You can easily read the following ①Tomorrow は学校で日ご饭を食べる. ②Cold たいジュースが好きだ. 🎈Course content🎈 Use teacher るる's intuitive learning method + watch TV like a Japanese child ・Hearing guarantee improvement ・Voice volume rises naturally ・No rote grammar ・Cultivate a sense of language and learn Japanese without stress 💮The video is provided by the teacher! Students can concentrate on studying, no hidden consumption! 💮Students who only want to take the exam, please contact the teacher separately. 💮Want to sign up but worry about not enough? Welcome to make an appointment for the experience class, and るる recommends the class for you! ⚡⚡Let's step out together, the first step in watching Japanese anime and watching Japanese TV show ⚡⚡
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4534 reseñas

  • Winki
    jun 6, 2024
    今天遊戲抓到犯人了,當中學到了: 愚(ぐ) 骨頂(こっちょう) 愚の骨頂=愚蠢至極 カリスマ=領袖魅力 ガッチガチ=硬繃繃 へっちゃら=平気 にすりゃ=にすれば 今天也聽到一個童話!?老虎變成油的故事
  • 果かりん
    may 20, 2024
    一直以來都有先給自己一個最差結果的想法,去避免沒達成時候的失望。 但其實我自己也知道我一直都有在努力,也許是這種想法去抑制了我的努力跟成就感。 「對於沒有考上的結果抱有負面心態的態度」、「因為想像了太多負面的結果,反而會導致之後會害怕挑戰」,在我的聽力也有這樣的傾向,るる先生說。 聽力應該要去注意聽的到的東西,因為我總是想著聽不到的東西,又有預設立場,就會覺得自己聽不到了。 今天剛好在檢討N2日檢題目的文章,文章內提到: 「失敗したときのことかんがえるのは、、緊張が増すだけだからやめたほうがいい」。 這句話我應該可以想成是: 「失敗したときのことを考えるのは、失敗の確率が増すだけだからやめたほうがいい」。それで、「うまくできた状況を思い描くことだ」 我應該要能先想像自己可以很好的辦到!🙌🙌
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japonés - 13 artículos

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Rendimiento del Profesor


Experiencia laboral

  • 2010 - 2013 佳音文教機構
  • 2012 - 2013 家教
  • 2014 - 2021 日本知名企業


  • 2010 - 2014 天主教輔仁大學 日本語文學系

  • 2007 - 2010 附中 1191


  • 日本語能力検定N1

  • 日本語能力検定N2

  • ビジネス文書検定2級(日本人向け)

Experiencia laboral
  • 2010 - 2013 佳音文教機構
  • 2012 - 2013 家教
  • 2014 - 2021 日本知名企業
  • 2010 - 2014



  • 2007 - 2010



  • 日本語能力検定N1

  • 日本語能力検定N2

  • ビジネス文書検定2級(日本人向け)


Cómo reservar la clase

  • Después de comprar el curso (clases), puedes reservar tus clases en los espacios disponibles del profesor.
  • Si el profesor muestra “Clase Inmediata” significa que puedes tomar la clase en las próximas 24 horas
  • Si el profesor no está online, la clase disponible más temprana será después de 24 horas (es decir para mañana, no para hoy)


  • La clase de prueba dura 25 minutos
  • La clase formal dura 25 min o bien 50 min según escojas
  • Si compras +5 clases, tienes un descuento


  • Entra en la web AmazingTalker 10 minutos antes de que comience la clase. Haz click en “Mis Clases” y luego haz click en el botón “Entrar en la clase” y entrarás automáticamente en la Clase en ZOOM.
  • Puedes usar ZOOM tanto en tu teléfono móvil como en tu computadora. Por favor descarga ZOOM antes de la clase si vas a usar tu teléfono móvil.


  • Si tienes cualquier problema justo antes/durante de la clase, por favor haz click en “Reportar clase”, y el profesor te dirá si puedes cambiar la hora de la clase o devolverte el dinero en créditos de AT
  • Si el profesor no responde en 12h, se te devolverá automáticamente en créditos de AT.
Cómo reservar la clase
  • Después de comprar el curso (clases), puedes reservar tus clases en los espacios disponibles del profesor.
  • Si el profesor muestra “Clase Inmediata” significa que puedes tomar la clase en las próximas 24 horas
  • Si el profesor no está online, la clase disponible más temprana será después de 24 horas (es decir para mañana, no para hoy)
  • La clase de prueba dura 25 minutos
  • La clase formal dura 25 min o bien 50 min según escojas
  • Si compras +5 clases, tienes un descuento
  • Entra en la web AmazingTalker 10 minutos antes de que comience la clase. Haz click en “Mis Clases” y luego haz click en el botón “Entrar en la clase” y entrarás automáticamente en la Clase en ZOOM.
  • Puedes usar ZOOM tanto en tu teléfono móvil como en tu computadora. Por favor descarga ZOOM antes de la clase si vas a usar tu teléfono móvil.
  • Si tienes cualquier problema justo antes/durante de la clase, por favor haz click en “Reportar clase”, y el profesor te dirá si puedes cambiar la hora de la clase o devolverte el dinero en créditos de AT
  • Si el profesor no responde en 12h, se te devolverá automáticamente en créditos de AT.

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