

Major in Korean
1130Clases de coreano completadas


inglésB1 Pre-Intermedio
chinoA1 Principiante
🎓 Major in Korean language education for foreigners. 🏆 Level 2 Korean language teacher certificate 👩🏫 Beginner class topic class incumbent teacher 👨👧👧 Taught people from various countries! (Chinese, Japanese, Americans, Europeans, Malaysians, Indonesians, Vietnamese, etc.) 👩🏫 Over 4 years of tutoring experience. 💎Learning culture in everyday language. 👑 Grammar + culture + conversation at once 🤗 guarantees a lot of words of students 😊 a comfortable atmosphere 🚩 Accurate pronunciation of Seoul native 📑 Individual courses and materials provided 📑 Homework and class notes are provided. 🔥Quick Answer via Line 📌Topic Class II 📌Topic II Writing Focus Class, 📌Cultural etiquette,📌Conversation 📌Introduction / Novice / Intermediate / Advanced [❤️Introduction] 🌟💎 Korean consonants and vowels - Know the shape of the Korean alphabet (5 vowels) (3 consonants) -Pronounce Korean consonant & vowels -Pronounce Korean consonants at the end of a word(7 vowels) - Know the names of Korean consonant vowels (Kiyeok, Nieun~) [💛Novice] <40% grammar + 40% speaking practice + 20% culture> 🌟💎 Daily life (leisure, entertainment, shopping, home, food, transportation, health, climate, education) 🌟💎 Mart, restaurant, bank, school, public institution, transportation 🌟💎 Say hello, ask and answer, thank you, apologize, ask - Say hello. - Hello. Take care.) - Introduce yourself (I'm 00). It's a pleasure to meet you.) Ask a question (what is this?) (this/that/+) - Buy something (00 please) - Introduce people around you [💚Intermediate] <40% grammar + 30% speaking practice + 30% culture> 🌟💎 Familiar social and abstract topics (job, love, education, social culture, interpersonal relationships) 🌟💎 Claim, explain, describe, express intention, comfort, express preference, express ability 🌟💎 Official, informal, spoken, written (email, invitation) -Writing e-mail, greetings, messages, exams/tasks -Familiar topic description, thesis statement -Compare, contrast, and list -Easy literature - Formal and informal -Cultural differences [💙Advanced] <30% Grammar + 30% Speaking Practice + 40% Culture> 🌟💎unfamiliar social and abstract topics (politics, economy, science) 🌟💎Describing, raising problems, speculating, classifying, analyzing, discussing, making recommendations, reporting 🌟💎 Presentation, discussion, lecture, report, review, academic report -Politics, economics, crime, institutions, public opinion, international relations -Literature, Art, Music - Linguistics, Science, Psychology, Philosophy - Special Purpose [💞Conversation] <40% expression + 40% speaking + 20% culture> 💖Traveler recommendation 🌟💎Sentences that are often used by situation/place 🌟💎 Say hello, ask, ask questions, apologize -Hello, goodbye -At a restaurant -At the airport - At the bank -Asking for directions -Lost something. [💜Cultural etiquette] 💖Recommendation of intermediate level or higher 💖recommendation of international students 💖businessmen 🌟💎 Korean culture-oriented classes related to manners and etiquette. -Let's have a meal. -Did you eat? Where are you going? -(over the phone)Go in. -Thank you for your hard work. -Calling someone( Mr, owner, teacher, aunt) - Age [❣️Topic Class II] ⚡️Intermediate or higher ⚡️ 💖Recommended for those who plan to take the topic test 🌟💎summary of grammar, and writing classes 🌟 💎Topic II Test Preparation Team 🌟 💎Type analysis, problem solving, and time distribution exercises -11 listening types -4 types of writing -10 listening types [❣️Topic II Writing Focus Class] ⚡️Intermediate level or higher ⚡️ 🌟💎 Focus on topic writing type -Write original paper -Write an outline -Culture style -Connection representation -Writing short letters -Writing a long article 🐤 New courses are also available for your desired purpose. Contact us 😊 🐶 Come join My Trial Class! 🐶 What to expect in this 25-min trial❓ 🙋In the trial class, ask you some questions to check your level. Please answer sincerely. No pressure🙅! 📑 Provide class materials and assignments .provide short notes after class.Use the memo to review. 😉 Even if it's awkward at first, we'll get close soon. The students with me became friends. Don't worry. You may take plenty of time to answer. 👑 I was born in Seoul and live in Seoul. You can learn the correct 'standard' Korean pronunciation. ➡ Less speaking opportunities due to COVID19😢! Have enough time to practice with me😉. ❗ ️ Class Rules ❕ ✔️ Please get ready for a conversation. Please check if the microphone is working well! ✔️ Please be punctual to the class. Please cancel the class 12 hours in advance. ✔️ Let's meet every hour with a joyful and welcoming heart😊. ✔️ Questions are always welcome. If there is any inconvenience, please let me know anytime. 🚩You can contact us quickly through Open Kakaotalk or Line.
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379 reseñas

  • Nusaiba Dalvi
    feb 24, 2025
    Every class is engaging and interactive, giving me plenty of opportunities to practice speaking and ask questions. The teacher is always patient and explains things clearly, making it easy to grasp and remember new concepts. After this lesson I feel more confident for my upcoming test!
  • 흔의/Christy
    jun 28, 2024
    Rubi老師會很認真地準備適合學生的教學內容, 課程內容的講解得非常仔細、清楚, 上Rubi老師的課讓我獲益良多~ 課後老師會提供課堂筆記跟課後小作業, 如果是想認真上課的學生,很推薦跟著Rubi老師學習!
Ver las 379 reseñas

Rendimiento del Profesor


Experiencia laboral

  • 2019 hasta la fecha 국민대학교


  • 2017 - 2022 국민대학교 글로벌한국어전공 Has subido tu certificado con éxito

Experiencia laboral
  • 2019 hasta la fecha 국민대학교
  • 2017 - 2022


    글로벌한국어전공 Has subido tu certificado con éxito


Cómo reservar la clase

  • Después de comprar el curso (clases), puedes reservar tus clases en los espacios disponibles del profesor.
  • Si el profesor muestra “Clase Inmediata” significa que puedes tomar la clase en las próximas 24 horas
  • Si el profesor no está online, la clase disponible más temprana será después de 24 horas (es decir para mañana, no para hoy)


  • La clase de prueba dura 25 minutos
  • La clase formal dura 25 min o bien 50 min según escojas
  • Si compras +5 clases, tienes un descuento


  • Entra en la web AmazingTalker 10 minutos antes de que comience la clase. Haz click en “Mis Clases” y luego haz click en el botón “Entrar en la clase” y entrarás automáticamente en la Clase en ZOOM.
  • Puedes usar ZOOM tanto en tu teléfono móvil como en tu computadora. Por favor descarga ZOOM antes de la clase si vas a usar tu teléfono móvil.


  • Si tienes cualquier problema justo antes/durante de la clase, por favor haz click en “Reportar clase”, y el profesor te dirá si puedes cambiar la hora de la clase o devolverte el dinero en créditos de AT
  • Si el profesor no responde en 12h, se te devolverá automáticamente en créditos de AT.
Cómo reservar la clase
  • Después de comprar el curso (clases), puedes reservar tus clases en los espacios disponibles del profesor.
  • Si el profesor muestra “Clase Inmediata” significa que puedes tomar la clase en las próximas 24 horas
  • Si el profesor no está online, la clase disponible más temprana será después de 24 horas (es decir para mañana, no para hoy)
  • La clase de prueba dura 25 minutos
  • La clase formal dura 25 min o bien 50 min según escojas
  • Si compras +5 clases, tienes un descuento
  • Entra en la web AmazingTalker 10 minutos antes de que comience la clase. Haz click en “Mis Clases” y luego haz click en el botón “Entrar en la clase” y entrarás automáticamente en la Clase en ZOOM.
  • Puedes usar ZOOM tanto en tu teléfono móvil como en tu computadora. Por favor descarga ZOOM antes de la clase si vas a usar tu teléfono móvil.
  • Si tienes cualquier problema justo antes/durante de la clase, por favor haz click en “Reportar clase”, y el profesor te dirá si puedes cambiar la hora de la clase o devolverte el dinero en créditos de AT
  • Si el profesor no responde en 12h, se te devolverá automáticamente en créditos de AT.

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