There are common words and common features in all world languages. Based on these features, we will learn English in the easiest way. We will explain the logic behind every word and sentence. We will look at different areas of English, from daily conversations to social life and even education. We will study different books and do homework for the each levels.
My method name is Easy Learn. Almost all the words in English are connected with each other. When you learn a word, you learn 2 or more words that depend on it.
General English conversation for daily use🎗
A1 - C1🎖
Conversation Practice
In this lessons we will put together a friendly guide to English conversation for beginners, filled with useful, methods including basic phrases—from greetings and small talk to saying goodbye—that will take you on your first conversation adventure.
Student's success.
I will help you while reading/speaking/listening in English. We will take a look different topics and determine words and then we will practice it by using it in various sentences.